The Facts About Breasts

There are over two million women living in the United States who have been diagnosed with and treated for breast cancer. One in every eight woman will develop breast cancer.

41,000 women - 110 each day - are expected to die from breast cancer during 2005.

A new case of Breast Cancer is diagnosed every two minutes. By the time cancer is diagnosed, it has already been present for six to ten 10 years.

The breast is the leading cancer site among American Women.

Breast cancer is a "younger woman's" disease: approximately 11,000 women under the age of 40 will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2005, and close to 1,300 will die.

Young women's cancers are generally more aggressive and result in lower survival rates.

One in eight women. Think about that statistic the next time you're in a restaurant, at the office, or watching a movie filled with women.

At b.a.b.e., we don't ignore the issue of breasts as sex objects, we embrace it. We harness the power and the allure of the breast to draw support from previously untapped sources. In its effort to promote the breast, b.a.b.e. targets the most successful supporters of breasts, the male oriented industry, as its primary source of funding and support. Serving as the charitable foundation for male oriented companies, b.a.b.e. will fund research grants for basic, clinical, and translational breast cancer research, for innovative projects in the areas of breast health education, and breast cancer screening and treatment.

b.a.b.e. is the only advocacy organization working to create such a team of non-traditional sponsors and supporters in the fight against breast cancer.

Join the b.a.b.e. team. Increase your company's public profile, profits, and good karma. There is nothing sexier than a hero.

In addition to seeking funding directly from male oriented companies, b.a.b.e. will work with the same organizations to create non-traditional fund raising events that entertain, change how people view and talk about breast cancer, and generate profit-raising press coverage while raising funds to eradicate the disease. It's all to keep breasts bouncing.
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